Explore the Astra Rise Collective Programs

The Best Investments We Make Are in Our People.

Astra Rise Collective we develop high-performing female leaders at every career stage.

Launch: We accelerate new leaders' onboarding and performance.

Shift: We enhance rising leaders' impact and presence.

Soar: We cultivate future talent by coaching sponsorship and mentorship.

Our comprehensive programs support women leaders' journeys - from launch to developing the next generation.


rocket ship photography
rocket ship photography
Investment Includes:

ü Monthly proprietary coaching program w/text

ü Defined 90-day early wins, custom framework

ü Hiring Manager interview: role success vision

ü Four, 30-minute 1:1 coaching sessions

  • 0 Days: Develop early wins 90-day plan

  • 30 Days: Revise plan and map stakeholder communication

  • 60 Days: Problem-solve for success distractors

  • 90 Days: Amplify success and identify next wins

BONUS: Post-program check-in coaching session

1st 90-Day Success Plan

The external coach helps the new leader become more effective, achieve early successes, and meet the manager's goals through support, involving key people, and regular 30-day check-ins. This approach enhances leadership skills and fosters engagement during the critical onboarding period.

1. Before Start Date

Planning session with the Leading Human coach and hiring manager to align on goals, define success measures, and identify key stakeholders for new hires.

2. @Start Date

Kick-off session with coach and new leader to create 90-day plan, mapping key milestones and activities. Discuss stakeholder engagement strategy.

3. @30 Days

Check-in call with the coach to review progress, challenges, and any needed adjustments to the plan. Discuss upcoming milestones and stakeholder interactions.

4. @60 Days

In-depth session with the coach to assess progress on goals, review feedback collected, and re-align plan as needed. Analyze what's working well and opportunities for improvement.

5. @90 Days

Review overall progress and outcomes with the coach. Celebrate successes and discuss ongoing development opportunities. Map gathering feedback from the manager and stakeholders. Plan for the next phase.

Get "there" faster

Accelerate your leadership success with expert coaching that enhances skills and fosters engagement during the critical onboarding period.

Investment Includes:

ü 5 peers/ team members' input

ü 1 Direct Manager deep insights

ü Quantitative 360 Input, 6+ select categories

ü One 90-minute report review session

ü Comprehensive Insights Gap Report

ü Individual Action Plan for 30-60-90 day

BONUS: Check-in coaching session after 30 days

360 Reality Check

Too often - in fact most of the time - how we see ourselves doesn’t match how others see us. This is holding you back. Both in terms of the positives and the challenges.

Many people don’t know their exact career path, but almost everyone has a vision of how they’d like to be described.

Does your vision match reality?


Greater confidence as a leader and in future potential


Improved clarity and focus for work priorities


Clear understanding of your unique attributes


Agreement for self-values and corporate expectations

Personal Brand

Direction to ensure a maintained defined brand for self

Who is the Shift Program for?

Individuals Seeking Results, Fast

Are you ready to take control of your personal and professional growth? Our intensive 360 Program is designed for individuals committed to achieving greater success and making a meaningful impact in the next 30, 60, and 90 days.

This program is ideal for those who are looking to:

  1. Understand Perceptions: If you're seeking a deeper understanding of how you're perceived by others and how that impacts your effectiveness as a leader or team member, this program is for you.

  2. Craft a Custom Plan: We believe that one size does not fit all. Our Sprint Coaching Program is tailored to your unique needs and goals. We'll work together to create a personalized plan that empowers you to make significant shifts in yourself and influence positive change in others.

  3. Own Your Success: Success is a journey that requires commitment and ownership. Participants in this program are expected to lean in, take responsibility for their growth, and actively engage in the coaching process. Your success is our mutual goal, and together, we'll make it happen.

smiling woman sitting on black chair
smiling woman sitting on black chair

If you're ready to gain clarity, enhance your leadership skills, and align your actions with your values and objectives, our Sprint Coaching Program is your opportunity. Take the first step towards a transformative 4-week journey that will set the stage for your future achievements. Own your success and let's get started!"

Investment Includes:

ü Twelve, 60-minute 1:1 coaching sessions

ü Assessment Tool: Motivating Behaviors

ü Working Behaviors Insights

ü Daily, personalized coaching tips

ü Success: Values Alignment Audit

ü Brand Your Brilliance

ü Formula: Business Benefit Impact from Coaching

ü Tool Training Module with AI Feedback & Report

ü BONUS Personalized Resource Library for extended learning

12-Session 1:1 Coaching Program

Our Catalyst executive coaching program helps women leaders shift perceptions and unlock their potential. Participants are 3x more likely to advance their careers. By working with experienced coaches, women can challenge assumptions, elevate their image, and expand networks. This empowers them to shape how others perceive them and lean into their full leadership potential. The Catalyst program paves the way for women to maximize their impact.


Client-Centered Focus

We align intentions so you feel empowered. Our flexible payment plans and seamless opt-out give you control. Feel secure - the power stays with you. We make this journey frictionless and support you each step as you create your envisioned future. We're honored to collaborate with you.

Payment & Installment Options

  • 5% pay-in-full discount

  • Weekly or bi-weekly session options

Our Value Promise

Be the catalyst for your own transformation. Our proven method propels you forward. We have a formula to demonstrate your value with expert coaching. Our systems catalyze growth and accelerate your trajectory, saving you time.

We're committed to 2X ROI. Our confidence comes from experience - clients achieve transformational growth. If you don't reach goals, we'll work free.

Ready to rise up?

Schedule a discovery call now to soar to your next level.

Hesitation is a common feeling, often stemming from a desire for more clarity. We want to provide you with the answers you need not only to build your confidence but also to give yourself permission to take the next step. In addition, we will help you craft the story necessary to gain your company's support. Feel free to reach out for a one-on-one conversation about your goals and how we can support you on your journey.

Have more questions?

If you didn't think more was possible for you, you wouldn’t be here.